

5/30 violette: rainy sun

Today there was rain and thunderstorm, wow. I ran outside with my umbrella to take my pictures when there was a little less rain, and out of nowhere, the sun came. (This is what explains the funny face.) At last, the temperatures dropped! I bet all Montrealers are relieved and happy to know that they will be able to sleep tonight.

I'm still wearing a combination of black, blue and white. Address your complaints to my eye doctor! I'm waiting for my order of contact lenses. But, just to keep you a bit entertained, I added a belt! I know I know, I'm so wild.


Aujourd'hui il y a eu de la pluie et des orages, wow. J'ai couru à l'extérieur, parapluie à la main, pour prendre mes photos dès qu'il y a eu une accalmie, et tout d'un coup, sortant de nulle part, le soleil est arrivé. (C'est ce qui explique mon expression plutôt comique.) Enfin, les températures ont diminué! Je gage que tous les Montréalais sont soulagés et contents de savoir qu'ils pourront dormir ce soir.

Je porte encore une combination de noir, bleu et blanc. Envoyez vos plaintes à mon optométriste! J'attends encore ma commande de verres de contact. Mais, pour que vous restiez un tant soit peu divertis, j'ai ajouté un ceinture! Je sais je sais, je suis tellement excentrique.


  1. Great outfit. You know I've always loved this skirt.

    And I can't even put words on how happy I am that it's finally raining! 10 degrees down!

  2. The funny thing about that gifted belt is that I bought a dress at H&M and spilled liquid butter on it on the very first day. But I loved the dress so much I went and bought another one the following day, thus ending up with two identical belts.

    Lucky you Violette, I gave you a belt worth $40.

    I'm still expecting my return gift, by the way.
