

Ten Items: J'aime Paris

If you read my other blog you will know that in fact, I don't really like Paris. But after wandering online for a while I noticed that the "Paris" theme is actually quite popular this spring (maybe it's the aftermath of the French stripes overflow?)

Since I am also moving to central France later this spring, it thought this post was very timely - am I going to have to get one of these items just for the sake of it?

Anyhow, here's the 10 items I thought looked best:

1. Tighs - Debenhams - £12
2. Necklace - JijiKiki - £12
3. Salt and pepper shakers - Modcloth - $12
4. Socks - Modcloth - $8
5. Notebook - Arden B - $13
6. Sweater - Jane Norman - £22
7. Earrings - Paris France Products - $38
8. T-shirt - River Island - £19
9. Cupcake kit - Modcloth - $13
10. Sweater - F21 - $18

And a special mention to these lovelies. Guess who bought them? ;)


  1. Pour moi, le chandail numéro 6 est un must. Il t'irait très bien.

  2. Merci Lulu! Je me suis plutôt commandé les boucles d'oreilles en lien sous l'image. J'ai très hâte de les avoir !
