

1/30 rose: argh the heat

I hate heat. Always have, always will. I just can't stand it. My company at the moment is as enjoyable as a full-on menopausal lady. So my picture was very brief as I try to avoid contact with outside air as much as possible. I can barely face the thought that it's going to be even hotter tomorrow: 43 degrees Celsius with humidex (yes Canadians do work with a very strange hybrid metric/imperial system), that's around110 in Fahrenheit. Unbearable.

I could go on and on but here's my outfit:

Je déteste la chaleur. Ça a toujours été ainsi et ce le sera toujours. Ma compagnie en ce moment est aussi agréable que celle d'une dame en pleine ménopause. Mon photoshoot a été plutôt bref, comme j'essaie d'éviter le plus possible le contact avec l'air extérieur. J'ai peine à imaginer ce que ce sera demain : il annonce 43 avec l'humidex (110 en Fahrenheit). Insupportable.


  1. I'm hoping that the comments work now...

    Very, very cute outfit. Love the accessories.

    But WHAT?! 43 degrees tomorrow?! Hate it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
