

Violette: I Bought (Baby Shower Edition)

As some of you might know, one of my close friends is pregnant. I'm so happy! In fact, I think I'm almost as happy as I would be if I was pregnant myself!

With pregnancy comes along... the baby shower! (Don't worry, it's not a surprise haha!)

I went shopping with Rose because she saw a lot of pretty things at Zara (as seen here)... but you know what happened? She didn't buy anything (sad!) but I found a dress for the baby shower! I didn't have to buy it now because the event is only in June, but my motto is: when you find something pretty that fits you, you buy it and... you stop looking!

This is the dress:

It's yellow! I know, I'm surprised too. But it looked good, even though I have very pale skin. I was also pleasantly surprised that the model showing the dress on Zara's website has very pale skin too! This is the proof that you don't need to burn yourself to "look good".

So, what do you think of the dress? Baby shower approved?

P.S. I don't think black pumps are the prettiest shoes to wear with that dress... do you?


  1. Wow !
    géniale la robe ! je n'aime pas non plus les chaussures noires.

    J'ai hâte de voir cet ensemble ;)

  2. LE jaune pour un babyshower...un succès assuré!

  3. J'adore la couleur sur toi, elle te va à merveille !

    Je n'aime pas non plus les chaussures noires, je porterais plutôt la robe avec une touche de couleur vibrante aux pieds, fuschia ou orange, ou encore un neutre clair.

  4. Merci les filles pour vos commentaires!

    Je ne pense pas porter des souliers noirs. Je ne suis pas encore certaine quelle couleur, mais pas noir!

    J'ai hâte! :)

  5. Quelle jolie robe! Et jaune en plus, c'est très joyeux. Pour les souliers, il faut faire l'essai avec la robe, tu verras avec lesquels tu es confortables.
