

30x30 Winter 2011 Edition: Violette's 30 items

That's it, I picked my 30 items for the 30x30 challenge! Oh this is so hard. I felt (once again) like I was betraying my other clothes, especially new purchases that I didn't have the opportunity to wear. (P.S. I know there are some new clothes in my 30 items selection that I didn't show you in my traditional "I Bought" post, I'm sorry, time is missing...! But don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities during the challenge to take a look at the new additions to my wardrobe.)

I even gave a name to my clothes selection: neutral rhapsody. I think I might be one of the rare remixers to have no color at all except neutrals! I also have no patterns, except for some stripes. That is what I call: stay true to yourself, don't act all bloggeresque! (Yep, I just made up a word... sorry about that.)

If you aren't familiar with the 30x30, here are the basic rules (aussi en français). The challenge is Kendi's idea and she invites other bloggers to join her.

Because I've already done the challenge, this time around I've set some other rules for myself:

  • I can take as long as I want to complete the challenge and post my outfits (well, before March 21st... it's Winter Edition, not Spring). The goal is to create and wear 30 outfits out of my 30 items, and post them.
  • All underlayers and winter apparel (such as coat, boots, scarves, etc.) aren't part of the 30 items.

The challenge starts on Tuesday, February 1st. Good luck to all participants!


  1. Je choisis Criquette! Et peut-être la robe beige-rosei-gris (c'est dur à dire sur la photo) J'ai bien hâte de la voir...

  2. Moi aussi je choisis Criquette!

    Et comme je te disais, je pense que le fait que tu as choisis beaucoup de neutres va te permettre d'expérimenter autrement qu'en faisant un mélange de motifs. À chaque personne ses défis. ;)

    Et qui a dit que la couleur était obligatoire?

  3. Best of luck! In the last challenge I barely had color and it was okay, but this time I craved more!

  4. Yes, that is a very neutral palette you're working with! It will definitely challenge you to be creative! :)

  5. Good luck on the challenge. You have a lot to choose from. I just posted my pics too !

  6. Je pense que tu as fait un très bon choix en restant dans les tons neutres plus faciles à agencer que la couleur. Bonne chance!

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments!

    Let's rock that neutral palette. ;)
