

Friend Friday: Color Wars


It's FBFF time! We skipped last week (sorry!) but we are back!

Learn everything about FBFF here.

This week: color wars.

Because we are talking about color, some bloggers of the FBFF group got a pair of tights from We Love Colors. (This is the part where you are incredibly excited about this!)

We didn't. (This is the part where you're sad for us.)

But we still love color so here's out input on the subject.

1. What color dominates your closet?

Violette: Try to guess... haha! Of course, black. I love black. I live in black.

Rose: Same here... I have to make an actual effort to buy colour. But when I do, it's mostly purple, gray (is that even a color?) and... no I can't think of another color. So basically I'm always wearing black, gray and purple.

2. If money weren't an issue how would you change the color emphasis in your closet?

Violette: Because I'm much more attracted to neutral colors, I would go one step at the time. First I would buy colored shoes, easy and stylish. Then key items in color (for example, a blue or pink skirt). Then find the courage to wear them.

Rose: I think I would say like Violette. Stick to my main color, black, and accessorize it with color touches like shoes and belts.

3. What is your mantra about mixing colors?

Violette: Whoa! Wearing one color at the time is hard enough for me, no need to have more than one! haha. Seriously, if I'm wearing color, I'll mix it with a neutral, I'm not really adventurous. But I like to mix different neutrals together.

Rose: Since I don't like to be the center of attention, I don't usually mix colors together. For example, I have this purple skirt that I couldn't think of wearing with anything else than black. Not because it wouldn't look nice but because that would be too much of a color party. I like to stick to one key color item at the time. That reminds me I have to get yellow shoes.

4. For you, how do you incorporate color into your outfits?

Violette: Honestly, I don't incorporate color in my outfits. Sometimes I'll have a colorful accessory. This is a issue for me because I blog. My outfits are probably boring to a lot of people, but to me that brings back the whole authenticity point. I prefer to stay true to myself. And I don't think you need to wear color to be stylish.

Rose: I echo Violette here: you don't have to wear color to be stylish or adventurous.

5. Which blogger(s) do you think do a good job of incorporating color into their wardrobe?

Violette: There are a lot! Two of my favorites: Kristine (and she's also great at pattern mixing!) and Kendi.

Rose: Hands down Kendi. Just look at her recent outfits and you'll quickly realize that she's the queen of color remixing.

1 comment:

  1. J'ai déjà acheté des choses de couleurs voyantes et j'ai renoncé à les porter à la dernière minute. Il faut être à l'aise, sinon, il est préférable de s'en tenir aux tons plus ternes mais y agencer des accessoires plus voyants.
